Conference Topics
A: Combustion
Advanced Combustion Technology, the Combustion of Low NOx and Products of Incomplete Combustion (PICs), Combustion of Disaster Waste
B: Conversion of Clean Energy
Utilization of Biomass and Wastes, Pyrolysis and Gasification / New Materials / New Processes, Thermal Treatment of Sewage Sludge
C: Waste-to-Energy-Conversion
New Waste-to-Energy Technology, Mechanical Biological Treatment (MBT) and Fuels from Waste Anaerobic, Digestion and Biogas Process
D: Emission Control (Air Pollution and Residues)
Advanced Emission Control System for NOx, SOx, HCl, VOC et al., Dioxins, PAHs and other POPs Emission Control and Management, PM2.5, PM10, Heavy Metal and Radioactive Nuclides
E: Global Warming and Green House Gases (GHGs) Management
Climate Change Issues / New and Alternative Energy, CO2 Capture Storage (CCS) and GHGs Emission Trading
F: Environmental Health Effect
Environmental Issues of Combustion, Incineration and Alternative Energy Hazardous Waste Treatment, Health Risk Assessment of PICs and Air Pollution
G: Economy and Policy
Life Cycle Assessment (LCA), Input-Output Analysis and Material Flow Analysis (MFA), Cost-benefit Analysis
H: Other Releated Topics
Important Dates
Abstract Submission Deadline:Abstract Acceptance Notification Date:
Full Manuscript Submission Deadline: Conference Date: |
July 1, 2018September 1, 2018
November 1, 2018 December 18-21, 2018 |
Conference Program
Dec 18, 2018 (Tue)Dec 19-20, 2018 (Wed-Thu)
Dec 21, 2018 (Fri) |
Pre-conference WorkshopConference/Exhibition
Technical Tour |
For more information : www.icipec2018.org